Recent media projects


Victor partners with Tor Tjeransen of Hope Channel Norway to visit Sinai, sharing the story of the region, the fascinating his of the monastry there and the astonishing manuscripts found in its ancient library.  You can also climb the mountain with them and understand more about Moses and the Exodus experience.  Sinai playlist.




Enjoy this series of short videos exploring ancient and biblical history in this fascinating country.  A joint production with Hope Channel Norway and Tor Tjeransen.  Jordan playlist.




Travel around the Holy Land as I share a series of short reflections from various historic sites.  This playlist also includes a few reflections from other locations.  Reflections playlist.



It was on 31 October 1517 that, according to tradition, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  Five-hundred years later Christians and history buffs around the world have been reflecting on the consequences that changed the face of Europe.


Victor teamed up with Dejan Stojkovic and friends to travel to some of the significant reformation sites and bring the themes of the reformation to life.  He really enjoyed making them - and hope you will too.  Find out more on the Reformation Journey blog.


Victors Personal Videos

Visit Victors YouTube Account for a selection of personal projects this year - perhaps with a strong focus on the grandchildren!  He also produced a significant number of videos for his work.  You can see some of them on this playlist.



I have recently spent some time with Hope TV transforming a number of the sermons I have preached over recent years into a more conversational TV format. Most of them are based around stories or life experiences but bring home deep spiritual lessons of faith, forgiveness, our picture of God, and an overview of the significant messages of the Bible.

It has been an interesting experience moving a sermon from a live congregation to the unforgiving lens of a camera. However, I am quite pleased with the end product and even more encouraged by the positive feedback I have had from viewers. You can now watch the complete series as it develops and expands on the Hope TV-UK website.


Visiting the refugees


Recently Victor has had the opportunity to visit refugee camps in Greece and France.  This follows his attendence at a European Refugee summit earlier in the year.  Meeting refugees first-hand and listening to their stories increased his desire to help solve the current crisis, or at least to provide better humanitarian help.  He produced one widely viewed special report, 'I feel I make a difference', and several shorter reports in including the moving story of Lena, Interpreting Love, a visit to Oinofyta Refugee Camp, just north of Athens, and, most recently, an interview with Lara, a young Midwife who has developed a passion for volunteering.  On World Refugee day 2016 he broadcast a series of skpye interviews live from a refugee camp in Dunkirk, France in cooperation with ADRA, AWR, Adventist help and local churches in France, the UK and America. AWR produced a moving 'mash-up' video of the day.


A Matter of Conscience


One hundred years since the start of WWI, Victor started doing some research and discovered that his great uncle, Willie Till, was a Conscientious Objector. That was seen by many at the time as the cowards option, yet in the documentary Victor released in October 2014 we discover a story of courage, moral determination, and faith, in the midst of bullying, persecution and imprisonment.  

Watch the video or visit the dedicated web pages.



Please click on any of the links below for a further selection of original sermons by Victor Hulbert. We hope you find them to be a blessing.
A Matter of Conscience. Adventist attitudes in World War 1. Script. Video recording at SEC Camp Meeting. Stanborough church morning service.

Audio Recordings.
Beautiful Feet (podcast from Belfast Adventist church website)
Questioning Jesus: CSI (Christ Scene Investigation) with Victor Hulbert & Kirsten Oster Lundqvist from the Newbold Church Contemporary Service, Easter 2009.

Mercury Viewpoint.  The Great Yarmouth Mercury features a short religious comment once a week.  While living many miles away from this lovely East Anglian town, Victor has nevertheless been asked to contribute on an annual basis.  You can read some of his short thought pieces by clicking this link


As well as hosting "In Conversation" and other series on the Hope Channel, Victor has also debated Adventist Beliefs on the Christian Channels, Genesis and Revelation TV (on the Sky Satellite). You can view these programmes on the UK Adventist Website.

"In Conversation" and other 'on-demand' programmes can be seen on the website, on the Hope Channel apps for Android and iPhone, and look especially good on the IPTV Roku box (Look for Hope Channel under religion and spirituality).


You are welcome to share these sermons for your own personal devotion or to adapt them for use in your church or fellowship. However, in giving this freely to you we reserve all commercial copyright. You may not reproduce this elsewhere for commercial gain without our express written permission.

© 2017 Victor & Luisa Hulbert. Email: info @

Where we live

Since 1999 we have been living in Bracknell - a good location for commuting, and surrounded by the very pleasent countryside of rural Berkshire - good for hiking, dog walking, and even for the occasional kayaking activity on the Thames. In 2023 we will be moving close to Dartmoor, Devon.

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© Victor Hulbert